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Art Education Sequence: Art 211 


Student Teaching


7B: understands a variety of current age-appropriate instructional strategies and their applications.

Description: I student taught in a high school and then in a middle school in the Rockford area. I wrote lessons that with age appropriate supporting materials. 

Rationale: The Blind Contour Watercolor lesson that I taught at the middle school was broken down into different activities each day. This age group needs semi-constant change in order to keep them engaged. As you can see in the PowerPoint, I have different activities planned for almost every day. Each component of the project is broken down and practiced before actually being applied to the final project. I treated the high school Cross-Contour Self-Portrait lesson in a similar way, but there were less build up activities. Older students can more easily accept working on the same thing for a couple of days. They require a bit less build up and a bit more time to simply work on the project. 

Evidence:​ Middle school lesson plan                       PowerPoint with activities                        Composition guidelines worksheet 



                                                                                                           Watercolor quiz and reflection 




High school lesson plan                       PowerPoints                                                                       Cross Contour wks                             



                       Practice Portrait                        Self-Assessment/Artist Statement 



7E: understands the role of assessment in measuring students’ learning and curriculum development.
7F: understands different assessment methods and their application in visual arts education.
7K: uses a variety of assessment methods to analyze and report students’ learning.


Description: I use many different types of assessment and analyze student growth effectively. 

Rationale: Pre- and post-tests are my favorite way to analyze student growth because it is very clear what the students learned throughout the lesson or unit. I have linked below a PDF of an example pre and post-test which includes multiple choice vocabulary questions as well as a short answer interpretation question. 
I believe it is very important to provide students with clear feedback throughout multiple stages of the project so that they can make the highest quality of work that they can. I have also linked a PDF of an in progress self-critique which the students filled out individually which I then reviewed with them each verbally. Clear rubrics are also very important when assessing art because it helps provide students with even more individualized feedback. I have linked an example of a rubric that I filled out and then added written comments at the bottom. 

On the edTPA test I was a mere two points away from a perfect score in the assessment category. 

Evidence:​ Pre and Post-test                     In Progress Self-Assessment                          Finished Artwork Rubric 



7G: understands the need for continuing study, self evaluation, and professional growth.


Description: I attended the Illinois Art Education Association (IAEA) Conference in Bloomington-Normal, IL. 

Rationale: I try to attend the IAEA conference every year, because I always leave re-energized from networking with other art educators. I learn so much from them each year and this year I was excited to learn more about how to integrate contemporary content into non-traditional lessons using technology. I was particularly excited about a session I attended about starting your own AP art history class. A goal of mine is to one day teach an art history class and then eventually an AP art history class. 

Evidence: Picture of ISU students and student teachers 




7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops).


Description: During student teaching I took about 20 junior and senior students on a field trip to downtown Chicago to visit the Museum of Contemporary art as well as attend EXPO Chicago. 

Rationale: Before the field trip I taught my students about the strategies that contemporary artists use to create art as well as prepared them for what they would see at the EXPO. I took them into the contemporary art world in hopes of inspiring them to continue making their own artwork post-graduation. T
he EXPO and the MCA are filled with contemporary artists who are making a living off of showing and selling their artwork.  My goal was also to give them the confidence they need to have if they are thinking about studying art in college.

Evidence: At the left is a photo of a handful of my students standing next to one of the Kehinde Wiley paintings that was for sale at EXPO Chicago. 


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